Ken Paige and Jeffery Roesler
JAN. 18, 2017 — The Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE) has named Animal Biology Professor Ken Paige and Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor Jeffery Roesler the first Levenick iSEE Teaching Fellows as they prepare to teach the fall 2017 ENVS 492 course that will provide capstone research projects for the campuswide undergraduate sustainability minor at Illinois.
Paige, an expert in evolutionary ecology, and Roesler, whose research is primarily focused on construction materials and transportation engineering, will lead the new capstone course for the Sustainability, Energy, and Environment Fellows Program (SEE FP), iSEE’s minor offered in collaboration with six academic units on campus.
In this final piece of the minor degree, students will apply sustainability assessment tools, such as life-cycle analysis, cost-benefit methods and impact analysis to real-world world problems related to sustainability of campus and/or the community to be developed in collaboration with campus, Facilities & Services, local sustainability planners, private firms and non-government organizations. Field site visits will be arranged during regular class time to and to visit local buildings, businesses, civil and environmental infrastructure facilities.
Course activities are a blend of case study discussion, problem identification, site visits, and analysis. Team projects will develop collaboration skills, communication skills and project management skills. The course is designed for junior and seniors with an objective of engaging these students nearing completion of the minor in addressing broad societal challenges related to sustainability.
The appointments of Paige and Roesler were made possible by the Levenick iSEE Fellows Program.
Read more about the new Levenick iSEE Teaching Fellows and the Levenick Program >>>
Read more about the SEE FP (enrollment is now open in the minor through March 1!) >>>