Sep 15, 2022 | Education, SWATeams
Meet Grace Smith, a sophomore studying Mechanical Engineering, and one of the newest members of the University of Illinois’s Education iCAP team for 2022-23. Smith’s involvement with the team began as a result of her initial participation in the GFX Global...
Nov 30, 2021 | SWATeams, Zero Waste
Meet Jenna Schaefer, a sophomore completing a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Economics and Policy. Schaefer was hired by the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE) as the Illini Lights Out Intern, running the popular energy-saving events on...
Feb 11, 2021 | Campus Sustainability, News, News Releases, Resilience Working Advisory Team
In Fall 2020, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign published the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP), the university’s strategy to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and pursue a culture of sustainability on campus and in the community. The iCAP includes...
Sep 15, 2020 | Engagement, SWATeams
Campus Sustainability Menu Main page Campus as a Living Laboratory: Research, Campus Sustainability Working Together Illinois Geothermal Coalition Be Orange, Go Green! Cut Plastic Use with a Refillable Bottle! Sustainability Training Videos Sustainability 101: Terms...
Feb 10, 2020 | News Releases, SWATeams, Transportation
Meet Sarthak Prasad, Sustainable Transportation Assistant at Facilities & Services (F&S) and a member of the Transportation SWATeam. Prasad attended the U of I as a master’s student, and he has been working for F&S since graduation. The...